Birds are certainly not the easiest subject to include in a photo, but you can greatly increase your chances if you understand some of their basic needs. Most of us think about feeding the birds in winter, but we neglect something even more important. While some food remains abundant during the winter months, in many locations water does not. Sources of open water are a must for our feathered friends, and, if you take the time to locate such sources, you'll be astounded by the birding activity to be found there.
Not far from my home is the head of an underground spring, and this constantly moving water is a life saver for wild birds. As the temperature gets colder, more and more birds arrive to drink from the spring. While all other sources of water have long since frozen, the 55 degree water bubbling up from the spring provides an endless source of water for the birds, and a great place for this photographer to perch.
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