Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stories Untold

A couple of years ago, while hiking near Yellowstone National Park, I came upon this old truck. Sitting in the middle of nowhere, this truck seemed oddly out of place, and I wondered how and why it had ended up here. There is, of course, a story to explain how and why it is here, but that story remains unanswered for me. I know that someone walked away from this spot and left it behind, maybe thinking he would return for it someday, but here it still sits parked. I can't help but wonder about those that must have used this truck to earn their wages, to haul what unknown loads to a job site. Looking at this photo makes me wonder the truth of this picture. Who owned this truck? Why was it left behind? How many others have walked this path and found it here? Photographs should make you think, and I like what this one does to me.

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